I've just arrived at Mercure Watford hotel to start my Stanmore rehab
programme tomorrow. I'm pretty nervous about it all but I know I'm lucky
to be here and I'm determined to make the most of it.
My room is OK, a little tired and dated but it's quite big and has everything I
need (although more storage space and power sockets would be nice). The
only problem I've encountered so far was actually getting to my room. The
hotel layout is a bit strange with the reception and dining room on the ground
floor and rooms on the lower ground floor. I arrived on my mobility
scooter but and was given a room on the lower ground floor but the lift was
broken so I was taken around the back of the building only to find there was no
ramp to get up the kerb to the pavement. So I went back to reception and
eventually they found someone to take me around the other side of the building
to get in a side door and I made it to my room. Reception gave me a
courtesy call just to check everything was ok, which was nice.
I was pretty nervous this morning but today has been a pretty good day.
I had to make my way through the Mercure Watford car park to get to the
restaurant for breakfast. I hope they get the lift fixed soon!
Breakfast is from 6:30am until 9:30 am on week days. It's a self service
buffet and caters for most diets. Fresh bread, toast and pastries,
cereals, yoghurts and fruit juices, then the hot buffet with fried and
scrambled eggs, bacon, sausages (and vegetarian sausages), mushrooms, tomatoes,
beans and potato rosti plus a selection of fresh fruit and of course tea and
coffee. There are also specials available, porridge, kippers and eggs Benedict.
The welcome meeting was a bit chaotic as we everyone had been given different
times. We ran through a few things, had the chance to ask questions and
get to know each other. Our group is all ladies and we all have EDS.
I asked a few questions and mentioned my personal budget being reduced.
The psychologist said they may be able to help me by writing to social
services and explaining my condition and why I need support to manage my health
We had a session on pacing. It was very interesting but it's going to be
difficult to implement as my baseline is below the everyday tasks that I need
to do so it's going to involve some creative thinking.
Lunch was quite impressive. They put on a buffet of poached salmon,
humous and crudités, rice salad, pizza and potato wedges and salsa, followed by
chocolate mud cake. Two of the ladies had special dietary requirements
and the chef made them up platters. The hotel is really accommodating and
the chef can make anything we want as long as we order it the day before.
I had a rest in the afternoon before going to my physio and OT assessment.
I was really nervous about it, I don't have the best track record with
physios but they were really nice. We talked about what I'd written on my
assessment form, talked about my goals and discussed the hydrotherapy sessions.
I was a bit anxious as I always feel ill when I get out of the water and
it takes a few hours to recover but we're going to take things slowly and see
if I can manage a few minutes. That's the great thing about this course,
it is tailored to you personally so you're not pushed into doing things that
might make you worse and you can concentrate on the things that matter to you.
The restaurant opens for dinner at 7 but our decided that was a bit late so
we're arranging to eat at 6. There is the option of room service too so basically
you can have your meals whenever you want. I've not decided what I want
yet but if it's anything like lunch I'm sure it will be delicious!
Had a lovely breakfast with the ladies on my course, then went to
stretch class, which for me was a bit of a disaster :(
Yesterday we were given a pack with our timetables and all the information
about the course, which included 23 different stretches. Some sitting,
some standing and some laying down. I started to come unstuck at the
sitting and raising one leg as my right hip wasn't keen on me doing that.
I tried the standing on tiptoes, supporting myself on the back of a chair
but my posture was awful and I went dizzy so sat down and skipped the next
couple of stretches. I really started to hurt when I laid down on the
mat. They asked us to stretch out our arms and legs which really hurt.
They said stretch less but I found that hard to do too as there seems to
be a switch point between not feeling anything and pain.
I felt like a failure watching everyone else making the effort while I nursed
my sore neck. I know I have to try but everything was too hard for me.
I spoke to the physio afterwards and she said I was doing too much and
she recommended speaking to my own personal physio about it.
I took my muscle relaxant as I was in a lot of pain and I had my OT appointment
next. My OT is lovely and we talked about what I need help with in my
daily life such as personal care, managing household tasks, shopping and
socialising. I signed up for crafts and gardening as my functional
activities and showed off pictures of my hand spun yarn and knitting projects.
After a little break I had a meeting with my personal physio. She'd been
told about my problems in stretch class and said it was beyond my capabilities
at the moment but we could try a different technique - mindfulness. She
recommended at the next stretch class I should get into the starting position
for each stretch and visualise doing the stretch if I can't manage to do it.
We had a really good chat about things, my expectations of the course and
finding the right starting point for me.
We also talked about the hydrotherapy. All classes are mandatory but she
told me not to go to the group hydro session, she would arrange a one to one
session on my own and just get in the water, float for a few minutes and then
get out and see how that affects me. She explained how the heat,
humidity, water pressure and physical exertion all affect my body causing me to
feel ill after being in the water because of my EDS and POTS and she took me on
a tour of the hotel pool. It was incredibly humid, which makes me feel
quite breathless even just sitting down, but there are gentle steps (and a hand
rail) that go down into the water so at least I don't have to haul myself up a
ladder to get out of the pool. After the feeling upset at stretch class I
felt much more positive about things. The physio also explained it's
taken many years to get to such a poor state of health and there are no quick
fixes, but once we find my baseline we can begin the long road to improving my
fitness and health.
Lunch was amazing again, grilled chicken, broccoli quiche, humous and crudités,
salad, sweet chilli chicken wraps, new potato salad and a fruit platter with
melon, watermelon, pineapple and grapes.
After lunch there was a talk on joint hypermobility syndrome, what it is and
why it affects our joints, then we had our functional activity meeting where we
had a balance test, which was basically standing on a sensor pad which
indicated if our balance is dead centre or over to the right or left.
Mine was 1 to the left, which is probably because my right hip is hurting
me today. We also talked about pacing and correct posture and we arranged
our activity sessions. I'm doing crafts next week and gardening the week
after. We get to learn how to pace our activity and achieve things
without causing pain or overdoing it.
It's been a very long and quite emotional day so I'm going to rest for a while
before meeting up with the others for dinner.
Today started with stretch class again, but this time I didn't end up in
severe pain. I got into the starting
positions and visualised the stretches rather than doing them. I know it
sounds a bit daft but it's the first step on the road to being able to do the
stretches and I felt much better being able to participate in the class, albeit
in my limited capacity. We are all different and this is very much
embraced on the course.
Next was OT and we talked about pacing, writing an activity diary and using a traffic
light system for activities, red for things that cause pain and fatigue, amber
for things that are slightly less taxing and green for easy things. My
homework is to fill out an activity diary for a typical week so we can see
where I can make changes to pace my life better and aim to make it to the end
of the day without collapsing in a heap of exhaustion.
I had physio and we worked on my sitting posture and I was given a couple of
simple exercises to try, very similar to pilates, tilting my pelvis back and
forward, coming to rest in a neutral position. We also discussed how I
sit in a terrible position with my ankles crossed and my right ankle hyper
extended so I'm going to make an effort not to do that!
Lunch was fab once again, quiche, chips, pasta salad, tomatoes and
cucumber, chicken goujons, boiled ham and carrot cake. I am going to go
home a few pounds heavier!
After lunch we had lifting and handling in the specially adapted kitchen.
We talked about safe ways of doing tasks in the kitchen and around the
home, being aware of our joints and moving in the right way. We also
discussed aids and equipment such as kettle tippers, using chip pan baskets so
we don't have to drain heavy pans of potatoes or pasta, and using a long
handled dustpan and brush.
I was a little disappointed as I had to miss out on the trip to Stanmore
hospital to do the sport and recreation class because of a transport oversight.
The staff knew I'd be bringing my mobility scooter but a non accessible
taxi had been booked for the journey, so rather than risk being stranded
waiting for porters at the hospital they advised me to sit this one out and
they promised to have something sorted for next week.
Now I'm off to join the ladies for a drink and dinner, and find out what fun I
missed out on.
The day started out with stretch, I tried a couple of the exercises this
time but my right hip complained at me a bit and I had to modify one exercise
as it made my shoulder go clunk. I survived it ok and I am feeling more
confident about it.
We had a talk with the psychologist about the impact of our pain and health
problems on our friends and family. It was really interesting and it got
us thinking about how to deal with situations better and how to ask for the
right kind of help when we need it.
The rest of the group went to the pool for hydrotherapy but I'd been advised
not to go because I always become very symptomatic when I get out of the water.
They were going to arrange for me to have a one to one session where I
can just float for a few minutes then get out so we can assess how that affects
me but that is likely to be next week now.
Lunch was awesome, spicy chicken salad, chips, spring rolls, vegetable wraps
and chicken skewers with fruit for dessert.
I had my goal setting session with the physio and OT in the afternoon, it was
probably the hardest session of the week. It was quite challenging and I
got a bit emotional. I had to come up with goals to try and achieve over
the weekend but I really don't like goal setting as no matter how good my
intentions are something always happens beyond my control and I fail. The
weekend is going to be a mad whirlwind of catching up with my children, getting
all the laundry done, visiting my mum and a 3 hour car journey back to the
I explained that whilst I understood the principles of what they were teaching
us on the course it was going to be very difficult to implement them at home.
They questioned if I was ready to do the course if I wasn't prepared
to make changes. The problem is I have so many health issues that are
undiagnosed or not under control, too much responsibility as a wife and mother
and the very real threat of my social services support being cut by a third
means I don't know where to start.
In the end we decided on setting four small goals. I aim to watch my
posture sitting watching TV, be more mindful of my movements in the kitchen,
discuss the friends and family class with my husband and kids and visualise the
exercises from stretch class. It might not seem much but Im going to make
the effort.
Unfortunately this course is not going to address some of the problems that my
doctors back home expected it too. They can't diagnose the neck problems,
or investigate my numb little fingers but I am finding the classes very
interesting and I'm taking some ideas to try and implement in my life.
I was disappointed to miss two classes this week. I have a one to one
swim session planned for next week but they still haven't resolved the
transport to the hospital for the sport session. That is very
disappointing considering this course is supposed to cater for the physically
disabled and I'm not the first mobility scooter user to participate.
It's been a busy week and I've enjoyed the company of the group but I'm looking
forward to going home tomorrow.
Today is our last day before the weekend break. After breakfast we
had DIY stretch in our own rooms then two classes in the morning. The
first was posture management which got us thinking about the stresses and
strain we put on our bodies in different positions such as sleeping, sitting
and working at a computer. We got to try out some wedge cushions and back
supports to see if they helped us.
The second class was sleep bingo. It was a fun way of looking at sleep
hygiene and we talked about all the good and bad things that might affect our
sleep, such as having a TV in the bedroom, having a milky drink or doing
After lunch we were free to go home but there was a small hiccup as our room
key cards stopped working at 12pm and all our bags were locked in our rooms and
we had to go to reception to ask for them to be opened again!
So that was the first week on the Stanmore hotel rehabilitation programme.
It's been very educational and I've really enjoyed speaking to other
people with the same condition. I've just about coping being on my own
for the week, the hotel staff have been great apart from a few niggles with the
lift. The hotel isn't totally wheelchair friendly but I have managed to
get around.
Next week is going to be pretty busy with lots more group session and personal
OT, physio and psychology sessions. It's not going to be easy but it's
going to be worthwhile. I also have to remember to take a few extra
things, a four way mains adapter because I can't charge my phone, tablet and
mobility scooter, and watch TV with only two plug sockets, plus I need an umbrella
in case it rains on my circuit through the car park to the restaurant.
A super busy start to the week. After a weekend review where we
discussed how we met, or didn't quite meet our weekend goals, we did a stretch
class, which due to a timetable mix up we weren't actually scheduled to do so
we had to rush slightly through foiling a flare up and anatomy and healing
before lunch,
Foiling a flare up was interesting. We discussed what a flare was, what
it wasn't (i.e. new symptoms which should be investigated), what can trigger
them, accepting that sometimes they just happen and when they do, what we can
do about it. We are going to formulate our own flare up plans and a copy
will be sent to our GP back home so we can work together with them to deal with
it. We talked about the physical and emotional aspects of flares, what
makes them worse, such as pushing through, or confining ourselves to bed, and
what helps, such as using pain management techniques, tens machine, heat, ice,
medication, pacing and distraction.
Next was anatomy and healing. I've always been fascinated by human
biology and I found this really interesting. We looked at what our bodies
are made of, bone, ligaments, muscles, tendons etc. How they work to help us
move and the processes our bodies go through when they are injured.
I had a break after lunch before I went to physio in the pool. The plan
was to spend five minutes in the water and do some floating but it was rather
busy with preschool swimming lessons going on. I got motion sickness from
floating in the choppy water and I struggled to march on the spot with a noodle
float so I said I'd rather just swim. The physio agreed and I swam two
lengths of the pool. It's a pretty small pool so it wasn't that far and I
got out straight away. I felt quite weak and dizzy when I got out of the
water, I sat on the edge of the pool for a while, then walked very slowly back
to the changing rooms and sat down again before I got dressed. I just
about survived the experience, I wasn't as ill as I'd felt after previous
swimming sessions in my local pool which was good. We're going to try and
repeat it tomorrow to see if two lengths is a reasonable baseline. If I
can continue to do that without making my pain and symptoms worse then I can
think about increasing it to three lengths.
So all in all it was a very productive day!
I didn't have such a great day today. I didn't recover from
swimming as well as I'd hoped and the pain and fatigue severely impacted on the
very busy day.
It didn't help that all four fire doors were closed when I went to breakfast,
which strained my neck muscles a bit opening them all on my mobility scooter.
Then before I'd even started stretch class I reached for my water bottle
and got stabbing pain in the back of my head. The doctors think it may be
occipital neuralgia but I haven't been officially diagnosed or treated for it
I only managed visualisations of the stretch exercises then I went straight
into a meeting with the psychologist to discuss my problems with social
services. She thought I'd done everything I could but was doubtful that
they would change their decision. I made another appointment to see her
about dealing with stress.
Next was my OT appointment. We went through my activity diary categorising all
my activities as green for easy, amber for slightly challenging and red for more
challenging. I seem to be pacing my activities pretty well and problem
solved a couple of areas where I wasn't. The OT said our next task was to see
where I could work in some household tasks to deal with the loss of social
services support. I tried to explain to her that any increase in my
activity results in an increase in my symptoms but she still thought I could
manage it by implementing pacing and using tools such as a long handled sponge
to clean the bath. I'm not so sure that will be achievable.
I went from OT straight into a physio session. The plan was to have another 5
minutes in the pool but I was feeling too ill to do that. We talked a lot
about mindfullness, the physio said I'm like a swan on a pond, I appear to be
calm on the surface but underneath I'm paddling very hard to keep afloat.
I thought that was a good analogy. She spoke about how my
sympathetic nervous system was always switched on, ready for fight or flight
but I'm not sure what I can do about that.
Next was lunch followed by an introduction to relaxation. I didn't find
the class very helpful, I was already very tired and in pain from non-stop
meetings all morning. The OT gave a weird demonstration about an
Australian guy living in the bush who walked to the lake every morning but one
morning he was bitten by a snake and he ended up in hospital. When he
recovered he went back to the bush and one morning on his way to the lake he
felt a pain and completely overreacted thinking it to be another snake bite but
it was just a scratch from a twig. I'm not sure what the moral of the
story was but I struggled to relate to it.
She talked about the sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous system a little
bit and then did deep breathing exercises, which I skipped as by this point I
was feeling pretty awful. I had to sit on the floor as the blood pooling
in my feet was getting unbearable from being sat in a chair all morning.
I had a 20 minute break before my functional activity class, which was like a
bizarre game of musical chairs. We used timers to pace our craft
activities, so after five minutes the buzzers and beepers would sound and we'd
have to stand up, change position or do something else. It was supposed
to teach us not to get so engrossed in craft activities that we forget about our
posture and pacing but it just seemed very artificial and unreal, not really
something I could put into practice at home.
The final session of the day was goal setting, not my favourite subject.
I don't personally find goal setting at all helpful, I'm a highly
motivated person and if I want to do something I find a way of doing it, but
this course almost exclusively based on goal setting and making progress.
The talk covered making goals smart, specific, measurable, agreed,
realistic and timed. Unfortunately I was feeling pretty ill and totally
exhausted and the oscillating fan was giving me motion sickness so I spent most
of the class sitting on the floor shivering because I couldn't maintain my body
I went straight back to my room and had a bath to try and warm up but I think a
combination of the previous week, the long journey, overdoing it in the pool
and spending 8 hours sitting upright in the same chair was a bit too much for
I woke up feeling dreadful and shaky - all the symptoms of having done
way too much. I was on a collision course with a full blown relapse but I
didn't want to quit. I dragged myself into the shower but it didn't help
perk me up. It was a struggle to get dressed but I got myself ready and
headed for breakfast. I bumped into the OT on the way and explained how I
was feeling. She arranged a meeting later that morning to discuss it.
I didn't feel any better after breakfast and I pretty much sat out all of
stretch class as the pain in the back of my head was too bad and I was feel
really ill and shaky. I also felt really cold, which is a sure sign I've
been overdoing it and need to rest.
I had a rest in my room then met with the OT and physio. It was really
hard admitting that I was struggling and couldn't continue with the course.
They suggested I go on the hospital course but I explained that would be
worse as I'd not have the quiet privacy of my room to rest. I tried to
explain it was just the second week of the course was too physically intensive
for me to cope with, the demands were too great and I had no chance to rest and
recover in between sessions. They said there was nothing they could do
about that, it was the nature of the course and we were expected to make
improvements. The problem I had is I never seemed to find that illusive
starting point to build upon.
They asked if I understood the nature of the course before I came on it.
It was sold to me as a pain management/rehab/educational course that
would look at my individual problems. My medical professionals back home
also seemed to view it as a "get out of jail free" card and they
discharged me because Stanmore were going to deal with it. Unfortunately
the course isn't designed to meet medical needs in that way.
With a very heavy heart (and a few tears) I decided I couldn't continue the
course and I arranged to go home. The staff supported my decision and
they said they would contact me in a few weeks to see where we can go from
here. I have several options, from seeing the consultant at Stanmore to
coming back at a later date to complete week three of the course. They
don't want to leave me stranded and want to help in any way they can.
I feel a complete failure for dropping out but in my heart I know I'm only
doing it because I have to. It wouldn't help anyone for me to stay on and
make myself sicker. I'm really upset about it, I feel like I've let
everyone down and I've let myself down for not trying hard enough. At
least I have learned a few things to take from the course and I made it to the
half way point.
For anyone reading this who wants to do the course, it really is worth it but I
think I've learned you have to be in a good position to start it. I am
suffering with untreated medical issues which made it hard for me to fully
participate. The course is not meant to diagnose and medically treat
people, it's to rehabilitate EDS patients who are ready to take the next step.
Unfortunately I wasn't physically in a place to do that but I would
highly recommend the course to those who are.
EDIT - After Thoughts
Since doing the rehab course I have spoken to several other people about it and whilst it can be very beneficial for some people it has not proved helpful for everyone.
The course has some failings, they try to tailor everything to your personal needs but they are not always capable of handling people with other medical problems. I was told they understood POTS but after I left the course the team wrote to my consultant saying they were concerned about my light headedness.
The course seems to offer set answers for a set number of problems. If you have a different set of problems they can't really help you. If you are in reasonable health, don't practice pacing, say in bed/sit on the sofa all day, struggle to cope with your pain due to psychological reasons or you don't know the first thing about joint hypermobility syndrome then the course is great!
The Mercure Watford hotel was described as being wheelchair accessible. That is not absolutely true. The hotel has long standing problems with the lift. It's not a normal lift, it's a platform stair lift. The only way to avoid it is to go around the outside of the hotel, through the car park and use the fire door. There are two very steep ramps on other levels of the hotel which a manual wheelchair user may struggle with. The hotel is also very large so you need to be able to walk at least 200 meters to be able to get around.
The hotel has been described as having air con. It does have air con in the public areas such as the restaurant but it does not have air con in the rooms, which can often be too hot or too cold. Apart from small top opening windows and a radiator dial there is no way of managing the temperature of the rooms. I believe fans and space heaters are available on request but the hotel only has a limited number available.
In hindsight I believe I should never have been put forward for the course. I was sent to Stanmore to try and unravel my complex medical problems but all they did was confirm EDS and refer me to rehab. I feel like I was rushed through and the consultant, Dr Mittal, was unable to offer any other advice because "the only treatment is rehab."
I failed because I was not physically well enough to cope with the long days and mandatory physical activities. Participating in the course flared up other medical problems that Stanmore and my local doctors had yet to diagnose. I have since been diagnosed with Sjogren's Syndrome and myotonia.
I'm afraid I have not found the course helpful at all. The only physio exercise I was given was to sit up straight, which made my bottom feel very sore at the time (no explanation was given when I asked why) and it still does. No improvement there. I have tried to be more mindful of my movements but I haven't seen any improvement. I have resolved my issues regarding social care and have kept my current level of support, which the staff at Stanmore told me I wouldn't get, which at the time made me even more anxious about the problem. I am still unable to do any exercises from stretch class and my head and neck pain is still unresolved. I am waiting to see another specialist about my myotonia but that could take 6-12 months.