We have been sent a sample of your blood analysis for further research.
During the complete blood count (CBC) we have revealed that white blood cells is very low, and
unfortunately we have a suspicion of a cancer.
Wite Blood cells | 1200 Low |
Hemoglobin | 12 Normal |
Platelets | 19000 Low |
suggest you to print out your CBC test results and interpretations in attachment
below and visit your
family doctor as soon as possible
family doctor as soon as possible
Dr.Waller Wilber
Immediately it rang alarm bells. As a chronically ill patient I am always having blood tests but the results are always given to me in a consultation or a letter. Something about this was very, very wrong.
I decided to investigate. My first port of call was the NICE website where I discovered this message on the front page of their website:
I am beyond angry that anyone would dare to send out spam that made people think they had cancer. What kind of sick mind would do that?
Ok, rant over, but if you get one of these emails, please be assured that it is just spam and there is no truth to it at all. Don't open the attachment, put it straight in the recycle bin..
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